1.General conditions

1.1. These conditions of purchase (hereinafter referred to as the “Conditions”) is a legal document binding on the parties, indicating the rights and obligations of the Buyer and the Seller, terms of purchase and payment for goods, order of delivery and return of goods, liability of the parties and other rules related to the purchase and sale goods in the online store LPX Trade SIA. The Buyer agrees to these terms by checking “I accept and agree to the Terms.”

 1.2. The Seller has the right to change or supplement the Terms and Conditions at any time in accordance with the requirements established by law. We inform the registered Buyer of any changes, corrections or additions to the registered Buyer by e-mail specified by him, and in order to make purchases in the online store, the Buyer will have to re-agree to the Terms.

 1.3. To make purchases in our online store has the right:

 1.3.1. capable individuals, i.e. persons who have reached the age of majority and whose legal capacity is not limited by law;

 1.3.2 legal entities;

 1.3.3. authorized representatives of all the aforementioned persons.

 2. Protection of personal data

 2.1. Any information related to personal data registered in the LPX Trade SIA online store is governed by the Seller’s Privacy Policy. To register in the LPX Trade SIA online store, the Buyer must confirm that he agrees with the “Personal Data Protection Rules”.

 3. The moment of the conclusion of the contract of purchase and sale

 3.1. The agreement between the Buyer and the Seller is concluded from the moment when the Buyer selects the goods and places them in his shopping cart and clicks the “Pay” link.

 3.2. Each purchase and sale agreement concluded between the Buyer and the Seller is registered and stored in the database of the LPX Trade SIA online store.

 4. Buyer’s rights

 4.1. The Buyer has the right to make purchases in the LPX Trade SIA online store as specified in these Terms of Use and in the online store.

 4.2. The Buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract for the sale of goods concluded with the LPX Trade SIA online store by notifying the Seller in writing (by e-mail indicating the goods and order number) no later than 14 calendar days from the date of delivery of the goods.

 4.3. Clause 4.2. the rights of the prospective Buyer are exercised in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights of the Republic of Latvia (PTAL) and the Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia No. 207 “On Distance Contract” (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 207), as well as the Civil Code of the Republic of Latvia.

 4.4. The rights provided for in clause 4.2, the Buyer can use only if the product has not been damaged, has not been used and the appearance of the item has not changed.

 5. Obligations of the Buyer

 5.1. The buyer is obliged to pay for the goods and accept them in accordance with the procedures specified in these Conditions.

 5.2. The buyer undertakes not to provide third parties with access to their data in the online store. If the Buyer has lost this data, he is responsible for immediately informing the Seller through the means of communication specified in the “Contacts” section.

 5.3. The obligation of the buyer, using the services of the LPX Trade SIA online store, to comply with these Rules, other rules of the online store and not violate the laws of the Republic of Latvia.

 6. Rights of the Seller

 6.1. The seller has the right, according to his opinion, to determine the minimum number of goods in the basket, i.e. the minimum amount for which the Buyer’s order will be fulfilled. The amount can be seen when viewing the items in the cart.

 6.2. If the Buyer tries to damage the stability and security of the online store or does not fulfill his obligations, the Seller has the right to immediately and without warning restrict or stop him from using the online store or, in exceptional cases, delete the Buyer’s registration.

 6.3. If important circumstances are discovered, the Seller may temporarily or completely stop the Buyer’s work in the online store without prior notice to the Buyer.

 6.4. The Seller has the right to cancel the order without notifying the Buyer if the Buyer, having selected Rule 8.2.1. or 8.2.2. payment items, do not pay for goods within 3 (three) business days.

 7. Obligations of the Seller

 7.1. The Seller agrees to provide the Buyer with the opportunity to use the services of the LPX Trade SIA online store under the conditions specified in these Terms and Conditions and the online store.

 7.2. The Seller undertakes to respect the Buyer’s confidentiality rights with respect to personal information contained in the registration form of the online store, except as provided by the legislation of the Republic of Latvia and the “Regulation on the protection of personal data”.

 7.3. The Seller undertakes to deliver the goods ordered by the Buyer to the address indicated by him on the conditions specified in these Conditions, clause 9.

 7.4. If the Seller cannot deliver the goods to the Buyer due to important circumstances, he undertakes to offer a similar or similar product. If the Buyer refuses to accept a similar or similar product, the Seller undertakes to return the money paid to the Buyer within 10 (ten) business days if there is an advance payment.

 8. Product price, payment procedure and terms.

 8.1. The prices for goods in the online store and on order are indicated in euros including VAT.

 8.2. The buyer pays for the goods in one of the following ways:

 8.2.1. Payment by credit card.

 8.2.2. Payment by bank. 

 8.3. When paying by the methods specified in clauses 8.2.1. and 8.2.2. in these ways, the Buyer undertakes to pay for the goods immediately. In the above cases, taking into account the rights of the Seller, as provided in clause 6.4. , only after receiving payment for the goods, the formation of the shipment and the delivery time of the goods begin.

 8.4. After the Buyer has selected the goods in the “Cart” section, he confirms their payment, after which he receives an order confirmation and an invoice for the goods by e-mail. The invoice indicates the goods, their quantity, the final price of the goods, including all taxes and shipping charges.

 9. Delivery of goods.

 9.1. When ordering goods, the buyer undertakes to indicate the place of delivery of the goods.

 9.2. The buyer undertakes to accept the goods on his own. In the event that he cannot accept the goods on his own, but the goods are delivered to the address indicated by him, and on the basis of other data provided by the Buyer, the Buyer has no right to demand the delivery of the goods to an unauthorized person (performer).

 9.3. Delivery of goods is carried out by the Seller or his authorized representative.

 9.4. The Seller undertakes to deliver the goods to the Buyer, observing the terms of delivery specified in the product descriptions. These time limits do not apply in cases where the Seller does not have the necessary goods in stock, and the Buyer is informed about the lack of the ordered goods. Consequently, the Buyer agrees that, in exceptional cases, the delivery of the goods may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances and circumstances beyond the control of the Seller. In this case, the Seller undertakes to immediately contact the Buyer and agree on all issues related to the delivery of the goods.

9.5. In all cases, the Seller is released from liability for violation of the terms of delivery if the Goods were not delivered to the Buyer or were delayed due to the fault of the Buyer or due to circumstances beyond the control of the Buyer.

 9.6. During the delivery of the Goods, the Buyer is obliged, together with the Seller or his authorized representative, to check the condition of the goods. If the Buyer signs an invoice (bill of lading) or other document confirming the transfer and acceptance of the goods, then the goods are considered delivered in proper condition. In the event of damage to the package (collapsed, wet or other external damage), the Buyer is obliged to indicate this fact in the invoice (bill of lading) or other translation document and with the participation of the Seller or his representative, the statement of damage to the goods must be drawn up in free form. If the Buyer does not follow these steps, the Seller will be released from liability to By the Buyer for damage caused to the goods, if such damage was caused as a result of damage to the packaging, which the Buyer did not indicate in the above procedure.

 9.7. The Buyer can pick up the goods on his own from the Seller’s warehouse.

 10. Guaranteed quality of goods and shelf life.

 10.1. The characteristics of the goods sold in each LPX Trade SIA online store are indicated in the description of each product.

 10.2. The seller is not responsible for the fact that the goods presented in the online store may not correspond to their color, shape or other parameters, correspond to the actual dimensions, shapes and colors of the goods, depending on the characteristics of the buyer’s monitor.

 10.3. For certain types of goods, the Seller provides a certain quality guarantee with a specific period and other conditions specified in the descriptions of such goods.

 10.4. In the event that the Seller does not provide quality guarantees for certain types of goods, the guarantee provided for in the relevant legislation is valid.

 11. Return and exchange of goods.

 11.1. The sold goods can be exchanged, returned in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights of the Republic of Latvia (PTAL) and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia No. 207 “On Distance Contract” (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 207), as well as the Civil Code of the Republic of Latvia.

 11.2. To return an item, rule 11.1. The buyer must complete a free form return document and must submit it with the returned items.

 11.3. The buyer can exercise the rights provided for in clause 11.1 within 14 calendar days from the date of delivery of the goods, informing them in accordance with the procedure specified in clause 4.2.

 11.4. When returning goods, the Buyer must comply with the following rules:

 11.4.1. the returned item must be in its original packaging;

 11.4.2. The buyer cannot spoil the product;

 11.4.3. the product should not lose its appearance (not damaged label, film, etc.) (this paragraph does not apply in case of return of low quality goods);

 11.4.4. the returned product must be in the same packaging as received by the Buyer;

 11.4.5. When returning the goods, the Buyer must provide proof of purchase, a warranty voucher (if issued) and a completed return document referred to in clause 11.2.

 11.5. The Seller has the right not to accept the returned goods of the Buyer if the Buyer does not follow the procedure for returning the goods specified in this section.

 11.6. In case of returning the goods on the basis of clause 4.2. Buyer pays for all returns. The cost of returning the goods used by the seller is specified in clause 9.7. If other or defective goods are returned, the Seller undertakes to accept and exchange such goods for corresponding similar goods. If the Seller does not have similar goods, he returns the money paid for the goods to the Buyer.

 11.7. Returns and exchanges of goods are carried out in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights of the Republic of Latvia (PTAL) and the Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia No. 207 “On Distance Contracts” (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 207) and the Civil Code of the Republic of Latvia.

 12. Responsibility.

 12.1. The buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided in the registration form. If the Buyer provides incorrect data in the registration form, the Seller is not responsible for the consequences of this reason.

 12.2. The buyer is responsible for online activities.

 12.3. The buyer is responsible for the transfer of his data to third parties, for access to the online store. If the services of LPX Trade SIA are used by a third party with the input data of the Client, the Seller shall treat such a person as a Buyer.

 12.4. The Seller is released from any liability in cases where the loss arises due to the fact that the Buyer, despite the recommendations and obligations of the Seller, did not read the Terms, although he was given such an opportunity

 12.5. If the online store has links to other companies, institutions, organizations or individuals, then the Seller is not responsible for the information it contains or for the activities performed. The seller does not serve, control or represent the interests of these companies and individuals.

 12.6. In the event of damage, the perpetrator will compensate the other party for direct damage.

 13. Seller’s Marketing Efforts.

 13.1. The seller, at his discretion, can initiate various actions in the LPX Trade SIA online store.

 13.2. The seller has the right to unilaterally, without a separate warning, change the terms of the promotions and cancel them.

 14. Exchange of information.

 14.1. The Seller sends all messages to the email address specified in the Buyer’s registration form.

 14.2. The buyer sends all messages and questions using the seller’s communication means specified in the “Contacts” section.

 15. Final Terms

 15.1. These conditions have been drawn up in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Latvia.

 15.2. The law of the Republic of Latvia applies to the relationship arising from these Terms.

 15.3. All disputes arising from these Terms are resolved through negotiations. If the parties do not agree, the disputes are considered in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Latvia.