Komforts un ērtības...
Delivering cargo on time and safely is the task of a professional carrier. The daily work of freight forwarders, dispatchers, drivers and mechanics may not be so noticeable to a simple layman, but it makes our life more convenient, comfortable and much more enjoyable....
Kādas ir ERGO nostiprināšanas siksnas priekšrocības salīdzinājumā ar standarta?
The ergonomic long lever ratchet tie down strap is used more and more widely due to its qualities and features: Greater comfort and ergonomics, does not put pressure on the driver's spine, because tension goes from top to bottom.Higher (within limits) tensioning force...
Kas ir gaisa spilvens?
Pneumatic airbags are a type of cargo securing means, used as an independent means of securing cargo, or in combination with other additional cargo securing elements, such as tie-down straps, anti-skid mats, and other means. Airbag Made of polished dense fabric or...
Kāpēc puspiekabēm labāk izmantot alumīnija dēļus?
The main advantages of aluminum boards and typesetting boards are: - aluminum boards are connected to each other using end locks that do not require additional fasteners; the required board height is achieved by a set of aluminum boards; - have increased resistance to...
Kāpēc vadītājam jābūt klāt pie iekraušanas?
Recently, there are often cases when the driver is not allowed to present at loading of the vehicle, moreover, after loading the vehicle is also sealed. Is there a violation in this? Yes, there is - in Art. 8. CMR Convention states: “When accepting the cargo, the...
Kas ir kravas bloķēšana?
Bloķēšana nozīmē, ka krava tiek sakrauta tuvu stacionārām konstrukcijām un konstrukcijām, kas uzstādītas uz kravas automašīnas, piemēram, priekšējās sienas, balstiem vai virsbūves sāniem. Praksē var būt grūti pārvietot kravu tuvu bloķēšanas ierīcei, vienmēr ir...
Slodzes sadalījums transportlīdzeklī.
Slodzes sadalījums transportlīdzeklī ir viens no svarīgākajiem noteikumiem transportēšanas laikā. Pārvadātāji zina, ka kravu pārvadāšanas laikā nedrīkst pārsniegt maksimāli pieļaujamos gabarītus un transportlīdzekļa pilno masu. Jāņem vērā arī...
Vai jums ir nepieciešami pretslīdes paklāji kravu nostiprināšanai?
What are antislip mats or mats - these are base materials and spacers made of high friction materials can be used to increase friction between the platform and the load, and also, if necessary, between the tiers of the...
Cik stiprinājuma siksnu ir nepieciešams, lai droši nostiprinātu kravu?
🔆Carriers know about the need to secure the cargo and almost everyone does it, many do it well, but not everyone can correctly calculate the number of lashing straps required to securely fix the cargo (there are many who think - "why I need to lash the cargo, it heavy...