Nodrošini savu kravu drošību ar pārliecību.
🚚 Nodrošini savu kravu drošību ar pārliecību! 🔒 Kravas transportēšana droši ir obligāta prasība, un tieši tāpēc mūsu Standarta sprūdrata siksnas ir tavs labākais risinājums! 💪 ✔️ Izturīgas un uzticamas✔️ Piemērotas jebkura izmēra kravām✔️ Atbilst augstākajiem drošības...
Laimīgu Jauno 2025. gadu!
Dārgie draugi, Tuvojoties 2025. gadam, lai šis jaunais gads ir prieka, mīlestības un nozīmīgu saikņu gobelēns. 🌟 Lai jūsu dienas ir piepildītas ar sirsnīgiem apskāvieniem, smiekliem, kas atbalsojas, un sapņiem, kas uzdrīkstas pacelties. Lai katrs tavs solis ved tuvāk...
📣 Krājumu tīrīšanas IZPĀRDOŠANA!
Krājumu tīrīšanas Vai jums vajag 10m sprūdrata siksnas? 🏗️ Šī ir jūsu iespēja iegūt augstas kvalitātes produktus par īpašu cenu! 👉 Iepērcieties tagad:⏳ Piedāvājums spēkā līdz 31.12.2024 vai līdz prece izpārdota. Nepalaidiet garām – labākie piedāvājumi...
Komforts un ērtības...
Cargo safety! Delivering cargo on time and safely is the task of a professional carrier. The daily work of freight forwarders, dispatchers, drivers and mechanics may not be so noticeable to a simple layman, but it makes our life more convenient, comfortable and much...
Kādas ir ERGO nostiprināšanas siksnas priekšrocības salīdzinājumā ar standarta?
ERGO Straps The ergonomic long lever ratchet tie down strap is used more and more widely due to its qualities and features: Greater comfort and ergonomics, does not put pressure on the driver's spine, because tension goes from top to bottom. Higher (within limits)...
What is dunnage airbags?
Dunnage Airbags for Cargo Securing Dunnage airbags play a crucial role in securing cargo during transport. These pneumatic cargo airbags help prevent shifting and ensure cargo stability. You can use them either independently or in combination with other securing...
Kāpēc puspiekabēm labāk izmantot alumīnija dēļus?
Enhancing Semi-Trailers with Aluminum Boards Aluminum boards are a game-changer in the construction and efficiency of semi-trailers. Known for their strength, lightweight properties, and resistance to wear, these boards bring numerous benefits to transport operators...
Kāpēc vadītājam jābūt klāt pie iekraušanas?
Important! Recently, there are often cases when the driver is not allowed to present at loading of the vehicle, moreover, after loading the vehicle is also sealed. Is there a violation in this? Yes, there is - in Art. 8. CMR Convention states: “When accepting the...
Kas ir kravas bloķēšana?
Blocking means: the load is being stacked close to stationary structures and structures, installed on a truck, for example, the front wall, pillars or sides of the body. In practice, it can be difficult to move the load close to the blocking device, there are always...
Load distribution in the vehicle
Load Distribution in the vehicle: A Key Element for Safe Transportation Load distribution in the vehicle is crucial for safe transportation. Carriers must ensure the cargo is loaded to maintain vehicle stability and comply with legal requirements. Proper load...
Vai jums ir nepieciešami pretslīdes paklāji kravu nostiprināšanai?
What Are Antislip Mats? Antislip mats, also known as friction mats, are high-friction materials designed to enhance cargo safety during transport. They prevent slippage by increasing friction between the platform and the load or between stacked tiers. These mats are...
Cik stiprinājuma siksnu ir nepieciešams, lai droši nostiprinātu kravu?
Lashing straps important for cargo securing 🔆Carriers understand the need to secure cargo, and most do it well. However, not everyone calculates the number of lashing straps correctly. Some think, "Why lash the cargo? It's heavy enough to stay in place." Others...