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Ratchet straps

Ratchet straps come in 10m and 12m lengths and are made from durable polyester webbing and high quality metal.

Ratchet tie down assembly is used for tying down loads whilst transporting, shifting or moving them. They have replaced traditional jute ropes, chains and wires used for transportation and for a variety of other applications? therefore ratech straps ar emost used and convinient lashing equipment.


Ratchet Strap is most popular lashing equipment for cargo safety.

  • Length – 9.5 or 11,5 + 0,5 m
  • Width – 50 mm
  • Loading Capacity – LC 2500 daN
  • Standard Tension Force – STF 250 / STF 550 dAN
  • Webbing material – 100% PES
  • Metal material – carbon steel
  • Hooks – double J hook
  • Max enlongation – 7%
  • Webbing color – blue
  • Produced – According to EU standard EN 12195-2
  • Quality – Certified by TUV Rheinland
  • Label – blue label, LPX Trade SIA
  • Package: packed by 8 or 10 pcs in cartons.
  • MOQ – 1 carton


Transpordiohutus, toodete ohutus ja tugevdamine tunduvad olevat spetsiifilised mõisted, mis ei ole üldsusele väga tuttavad. Tegelikkuses on see aga oluline osa igapäevaelust. Me tahame saada kaupa õigel ajal ja turvaliselt, ilma viivituste ja kahjustusteta. Seetõttu on kõik tegevused, mis on seotud kaupade, selleks vajalike materjalide nõuetekohase kindlustamisega, oluline osa igapäevaelust.

Aitame vedajatel valida õiged materjalid lasti kinnitamiseks ning oleme valmis andma nõu kinnitamise ja transpordi ohutuse kohta.


Väga oluline on vedajate jaoks valida õige kvaliteediga ja õiget tüüpi rihmad:

  • vedajad peavad pöörama suurt tähelepanu lasti eripärale;
  • valida õige kinnitusviis ja osata arvutada vajalik rihmade arv.

Üsna sageli näeme vääritimõistmist:

  • meetodite ja isegi rihmarihmade etikettide lugemine;
  • high risk brings how correctly straps are used and also if damaged or not labeled straps are used.

All these particularities could bring potential risks for cargo damage and road accidents. Therefore, we strongly recommend using only high quality lashing products and keep own calculations for lashing to show road inspectors.

In addition, pay high attention for ratchet strap parameter as elongation, which according to standard is 7% max. In other words meaning that during transportation strap could become longer by 7%, which is 70 cm for strap of 10 m.

The main advantages of ratchet lashings are:

  1. Load restraint using a tensioning device (ratchet).
  2. Effective and safe control of loads whilst transportation
  3. Extremely quick and efficient tie down and release of load thus saving time.
  4. No damage to the load being tied down.

Safe Ttransportation!