Ümmargused rihmad

Kõik 4 tulemused

About slings

Polyester slings had their origins in the Scandinavian countries and began making their way to the Western Hemisphere in the mid-seventies. There is a unique advantage endless polyester roundslings have over eye and eye configuration slings. The endless configuration is more versatile because the connection and load contact points can be rotated, enhancing sling service life. Another key advantage for polyester round lifting slings is that many slings can be made simultaneously.

Due to the manufacturing efficiencies, polyester slings will generally be less expensive than nylon rigging straps. Because the body of polyester roundslings is comprised of multiple windings of polyester yarn, the sling body is soft and supple. The supple body prevents the polyester roundsling from locking to the load or binding at the point of choke when polyester round slings are used in a choker hitch. Slings are color coded, but never rely upon color to determine roundsling strength.

ümmargune rihmalaud

Slings Safety Practices


Slingi maht peab olema identifitseeritav selle identifitseerimismärgise järgi. Välimine mantel, mis ümbritsevad polüestrist ümarate rihmade kandelõnga, on kahekordse seinapaksusega materjal. Polüestrist ümarad rihmad on varustatud kontrastse värviga sisemise ümbrisega, mis annab kasutajale märku, et välimine kate on rikutud.


Pidage meeles, et kui näete sisemist koormat kandvat lõnga, ei saa te slingi kasutada. Samuti võib pakkuda välimine punnitud nailonkate, mis on neli korda kulumiskindlam kui tavalised polüesterkatted. Kui näete kahjustamata lõnga, ei tohi seda parandada. Slingid tuleb ladustamise ajal kaitsta ultraviolettkiirguse eest.

Kuidas hoida rihma

When your nylon lifting slings, polyester round slings are not in use, store them in a dark, dry, cool location that is free from mechanical and environmental damage. Slings produced from 1 000 kg. to 40 000 kg. rated vertical capacities. Polyester round lifting slings can be made from 0.5 m to over 45 m in length. The sling length for polyester roundslings is always measured from one end or bearing point of the sling to the other.